Overview | Whole Body Meridian Therapy | Head Meridian Therapy
Spleen & Stomach Meridian Therapy | Kidney Meridian Therapy

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes, disease in the inner body shall manifest to the outer part of the body. For instance, when our body aches and pain, there must be some underlying reasons causing the backache and leg pain, in which our body transmits the signal to us at anytime. Similarly, our body has the ability to also show where to heal the discomfort, which is the meridian point. Each meridian point has its own disease preventing and curing features.

Our body has 12 meridians and 8 extraordinary meridians. A meridian point is just like a light bulb while the meridian is the power supply to the lamp. In order for the light bulb to light up, the meridian flow has to be smooth. Any blockage in the meridian can cause deficiency and weakness of the body. Health, vitality and longevity can be enhanced by smoothening and facilitating the meridian flow. The Whole Body Meridian Therapy is a natural and physical therapy. According to the health cultivation theory, it involves the use of hand skills and techniques to stimulate the meridian and meridian point. In order to achieve smoother Qi and blood flow, strengthening the positive energy, increasing health and longevity.

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